World Service Projects

All staff and students involved in CYMCA Developmental Travel Programs participate in a service project in their community.  The CYMCA’s International Committee administer all proceeds raised by developmental travel students, through World Service Projects.  Our YMCA has affiliations with several Y’s around the world, including contacts in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.  In Jordan, we help support a camping experience for refuge children.  In Africa we are involved with a YMCA in Ibadan, Nigeria where we are currently providing the salary for a professional Program Director and helping them build a new facility.  International Committee members have a formal linkage with the YMCA in Bangkok, Thailand. Committee members also correspond regularly with volunteer staff at the Puttar, India YMCA.

World Service Projects give students an opportunity to work as part of a group to achieve a worthwhile goal.  As our students develop friendships with members of their group and provide a service to their community, they also develop a sense of world citizenship and stewardship to those less fortunate than ourselves. Each person in the group must have equal participation in preparation and take responsibility to complete a given task.  If a student cannot attend their WSP they need to work on the project preparation or follow-up activity after the project has occurred.  If a student does not do a WSP, they do not go on tour.  Projects should not be something that only raises money from the tour participants, the project should provide a service to the community.

Goals of the World Service Project:

  • Group Experience
  • Working toward a common goal
  • Provide a service to the community in which we live
  • To think about others who are less fortunate and know you are doing something to make a difference in their lives

World Service & International Partnerships

Cheshire YMCA
32 Lake Street
North Swanzey, NH 03431
(603) 352-0447