Gather your friends for an amazing weekend together at our summer camp property YMCA Camp Takodah!
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Testimonial: “As we pulled into the beautiful camp grounds in our fun bus we were greeted by the Takodah team with open arms. After settling in to our cabin we were invited to a wine and chocolate tasting along with Country line dancing. Peter and Kevin were there and very hospitable. Starting the next morning with early morning yoga then a wonderful breakfast of Eggs Benedict and many other yummy things we all moved on to very organized activities. On Saturday my last event was zip-ling. Without the support of all my good friends and with Takodah staff in the tree coaching and encouraging me all the way, I made it up the tree and had a wonderful life experience zip-lining across the lake. The food at camp was beyond all expectations. I made wonderful new friends and was able to have many experiences with my sister’s and girlfriends. All the staff and volunteers were great friendly people. The weekend was enjoyed by all. Thank you Kevin, Peter and the entire group at YMCA Camp Takodah” – Janet Penfield. (WW2013)