World Service is part of the National YMCA in Chicago, and the Y International works with over 120 YMCAs worldwide.
Assistance reaches 30,000 million individuals!
The Cheshire YMCA financially contributes to:
- A Dental Clinic, Puttur, India
- A Program Director’s Salary Ibadan, Nigeria
- Program support in Amman, Jordan
- An Orphanage in Thailand, Bangkok Program Support
- Sioux YMCA, Cheyenne River Reservation, Dupree, South Dakota
Did You Know?
- $1 educates 5 young people on how to prevent teenage pregnancy and HIV/AIDs
- $10 creates 10 youth service learning opportunities
- $100 places 20 disadvantaged youth in YMCA summer camps
Did You Know?
- $1,000 teaches 100 youth basic computer skills
- $10,000 creates 500 job opportunities for unemployed youth
- In 2006 the Cheshire YMCA donated $8,250 to seven International YMCAs and the Sioux YMCA. Raised by Developmental Travel student groups!