
Director Of Educational Programs

As I am sure many of you are aware Kathy Letourneau, our Heritage Travel Director, has moved on from the Cheshire YMCA to pursue other opportunities. We at the Y thank Kathy for her service and dedication to our Heritage Travel Programs. The program would not be as solid and successful without Kathy’s years of service. We wish her the very best. 

IMG_2459We are delighted to announce that Peter Simmonds will now be the primary contact for Heritage Tours as the Director of Year Round Educational Programs for the Cheshire YMCA (NEHT, AHT, and Outdoor Education). Peter has been a valued member of the YMCA team since 2011, thriving as our Outdoor Education Director. He has successfully built formative educational experiences for youth, many whom with have the opportunity to take part in Heritage Travel in later grades. Peter has a strong background in youth development, program management, and trip planning. He is excited and energized to work with you all. 

We would like to thank everyone for support and patience as we complete this transition and value our students, parents and volunteers wealth of knowledge and expertise in making both AHT & NEHT so successful. Tours are rooted in your volunteerism, and we could not run them without your support. We  look forward to all 2016 tours! Peter can be reached at if you have any questions about upcoming programs or feel free to call us at the Y. 


Cheshire YMCA
32 Lake Street
North Swanzey, NH 03431
(603) 352-0447