April 5th – Parent Meeting

Greetings AHT-S (soon to be) Travelers,

The mandatory parent meeting is coming up on Tuesday, April 5th from 6-7pm in the Discovery Room at Monadnock. Please be sure to have at least one parent there or an adult representative to bring information back for your family.
At the parent meeting you will get the chance to meet the staff going on the trip, learn about our emergency procedure plan, and get a copy of the itinerary for the trip. Also at the meeting, students will be recieving their topic to research just a few fun facts about to be shared while on tour.
If you have not already please make your final payment and hand in your medical form, which can be found at http://cheshireymca.org/aht-s/resources/. Packing lists can also be found on the resources page.
Coming up we will be reaching out to you with information about an optional World Service Project for your student to participate in with another AHT trip. Keep an eye on your email inbox for more information.
If you have any questions before the meeting please do not hesitate to call the Cheshire YMCA office at 603-352-0447.

Cheshire YMCA
32 Lake Street
North Swanzey, NH 03431
(603) 352-0447